Our Mission


The preservation and promotion of traditional arts and craftsmanship, employing the Classical learning

philosophy, and fostering a love for Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in the midst of our present fallen world.


THE FELLOWSHIP OF ARTS & MYSTERIES, LTD. (hereafter called, “The Fellowship”) is an educational institution dedicated to practical instruction, which adheres faithfully to Christian doctrine, conduct, and ideals; and which is implemented through a combination of the historical theory and practice of Classical Christian learning (i.e., the Trivium and Quadrivium), as harmonized with apprenticed, traditional trades, previously known as the “Arts & Mysteries.” In the interest of a robust education, this will include both the study and the application of the Fine and the Common Arts.

The aims of the Fellowship and its subsidiary school, COLLEGIUM KINGSGATE (hereafter called, “Kingsgate”), are as follows:

  • The cultivation of devotion of the mind, heart, hands, and soul to the Creator, the LORD as revealed by Holy Scripture;
  • The educational formation of persons exhibiting wisdom, skill, confidence, and sound character; and,
  • The cultivation of a love for Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.


The specific objectives and purpose of this organization shall be:

  • To develop multi-generational learning opportunities for all ages in the Arts & Mysteries, the Fine Arts, and the Common Arts, through classes, workshops, and other means of instruction; and to offer these same opportunities to people living in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  • To offer these opportunities to people living without the Commonwealth (viz., other of the United States of America and foreign countries), through travel and outreach, as permitted by law.
  • To develop and conduct a secondary school (Kingsgate), which will promote the aforementioned goals and utilize the aforementioned means for students aged 12-18.
  • To foster partnerships with other schools and educational institutions of like aims, and – if possible – to encourage replication of any part of The Fellowship which proves to be successful in its aims.
  • To develop a robust office of publishing, and to encourage staff, faculty, and students of The Fellowship/Kingsgate to create and disseminate various works of writing (e.g. articles, essays, books, media, &c.) dealing with the subject matter that is educational, broadly-speaking, and/or is particular to the specific goals and aims of The Fellowship.


By these means, we work to equip the current and rising generations to live life as epistemologically self-conscious, genuinely- Christian, socially skillful lay and professional world-changers; doing all for the glory and delight of,


The Fellowship of Arts & Mysteries, Ltd. is an educational nonprofit corporation, formed under the applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  The Fellowship is in the process of applying for tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)3 of the IRS Code, and will be conducting its business in accordance with the requirements of the code.