THE FELLOWSHIP OF ARTS & MYSTERIES, LTD. (hereafter called, “The Fellowship”) is an educational institution dedicated to practical instruction, which adheres faithfully to Christian doctrine, conduct, and ideals; and which is implemented through a combination of the historical theory and practice of Classical Christian learning (i.e., the Trivium and Quadrivium), as harmonized with apprenticed, traditional trades, previously known as the “Arts & Mysteries.” In the interest of a robust education, this will include both the study and the application of the Fine and the Common Arts.
The aims of the Fellowship and its subsidiary school, COLLEGIUM KINGSGATE (hereafter called, “Kingsgate”), are as follows:
The specific objectives and purpose of this organization shall be:
By these means, we work to equip the current and rising generations to live life as epistemologically self-conscious, genuinely- Christian, socially skillful lay and professional world-changers; doing all for the glory and delight of,
© Copyright 2025 All Rights Reserved.
The Fellowship of Arts & Mysteries, Ltd.
P.O. Box 934
Ligonier, PA 15658