Our Courses

Current Collegium Kingsgate Course Offerings

Collegium Kingsgate is currently in the fundraising and development phase.  Please see “Future Courses” (below) for more information on classes we anticipate offering; and please check back for updates on our progress.

Future Collegium Kingsgate Course Offerings

Setting a course for our diploma-granting secondary school, Collegium Kingsgate, demands courses which will best harmonize Classical Christian formation with traditionally-apprenticed trades.  As we prepare for Kingsgate’s eventual launch, we will be prayerfully considering the following course offering.

Classical Education, Language Arts, or “The Trivium”:


The language arts of The Trivium (viz., the “three ways” – grammar, dialectic or logic, and rhetoric) form the three building blocks of human language.  These roughly equate to categories of acquiring information, critical thinking, and effective expression, respectively.

The Trivium develops knowledge of literature and language through reading, discussion, debate, dialogue, writing (poetry and prose), and speeches.  Mastery of these language arts enables human beings both to think and to express thought in ways that are well-reasoned, morally-principled, and edifying to body and soul.

The Classical Christian philosophy believes that, ideally, a robust education in the seven liberal arts lays a foundation for all learning, fosters wisdom and discernment, and a principled love for Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, centered on Almighty God.

Classical Education, Mathematical Arts, or “The Quadrivium”:


The mathematical arts of The Quadrivium (viz., the “four ways” – Maths, Geometry, Astronomy, and Music) constitute the four ancient building blocks by which we understand the structure and design of God’s created world, both in its physical form and its theoretical underpinnings.

The Classical Christian philosophy believes that, ideally, a robust education in the seven liberal arts lays a foundation for all learning, fosters wisdom and discernment, and a principled love for Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, centered on Almighty God.

Classical Education, Teleiotic (“Crowning”) Courses:


Teleiotic courses (tel-ei-o-tic, adj. – making perfect or complete; perfective) are those that “crown” Kingsgate’s core offerings of the Seven Liberal Arts and the Arts & Mysteries.  Not treated in the modern educational sense as isolated subjects, these are rather harmonized with other courses into a more “organic” approach to learning.  This part of The Fellowship’s/Kingsgate’s philosophy is called the redditive principle, meaning correlative and complementary.

For example, business and entrepreneurship is contextualized with courses of maths, logic, rhetoric, geography, apprenticeship, &c.; history courses are complemented by literature, language arts, geography, civics courses; and so on.  Physical science, biology, chemistry, history, French, Spanish – all are organized redditively, to foster a love of learning.

Foodways & Culinary Arts:


Mentored instruction in the “Common Arts” of traditional food preparation, including heritage cooking methods passed down through generations and their place within culture.



Apprenticed instruction in the traditional “Art & Mysterie” forming and firing pottery and crockery, focusing on hand-throwing techniques, historical designs, and various glazing and firing techniques.  Emphasis will be upon timeless and beautiful expressions of the art in the past, strongly supported by demonstrated ability to identify and emulate historical and traditional designs.



Apprenticed instruction in the “Art & Mysterie” of traditional barbering skills, with an emphasis upon grooming techniques.  Compliance with licensing requirements under the Pennsylvania Apprenticeship and Training Council will be established for Kingsgate graduates.



Mentored instruction in the Fine Art of theatre, including the history and practice of costuming, the art of playwriting and making of musical scores, and the production of historically-inspired performances such as madrigal dinner-theatres, Shakespearian theatre, and Medieval “mystery plays” of the guilds and associations.

Heirloom Gardening and Heritage Farming:


Mentored instruction in the “Common Art” of growing and maintaining heritage crops, learning sustainable and traditional farming techniques, and preserving the important genetic quality of heirloom plant varieties.

Herbal Health and Medicine:


Mentored instruction in the “Common Arts” of herbal health and medicine, exploring the various benefits and limitations of traditional herbal remedies and practices, with a focus upon using natural ingredients for enhanced human and animal health and wellness.

Traditional Domestic Arts:


Mentored instruction in the “Common Arts” of domestic manufactures which have sustained generations with beautiful, practical items for hearth and home.  Kingsgate scholars are given frequent opportunities to master the simple arts of broom-making, basket-weaving, candle-making, soap-making, tape-weaving, chair-seat-weaving, &c., and form a part of the preservation of historic domestic craftsmanship.

Life Foundations – Nativitas & Nutritatus:


A combination of mentored instruction, symposiums, weekend intensives, and practical application to prepare young women for possible future callings as midwives, doulas, childbirth educators, and lactation consultants.  Emphasis is upon wholeness and human health for mother and child, working to partner with and place Kingsgate graduates in God-centered programs for childbirth professionals.

Drawing, Painting, and Sculpting:


Mentored instruction in the Fine Arts of traditional drawing, painting (oils, watercolours), and sculpting, fostering a love for artistic expression. Kingsgate scholars are taught the history of art, as well as that which is called “art”, as each piece is contextualized within the social movements and associated worldview/philosophy in which its contemporaries lived and thought, and under which social forces it was made and popularized, for good or ill.

Archery/Shooting Sports:


Mentored instruction courses in traditional archery (recurve bow, English longbow) and traditional shooting (flintlock firearms and sporting shotguns), focusing on safety, technique, and historical context. Participation may lead to opportunities for intramural and league competitions with teams from other Classical schools, and potentially within the The British Long-Bow Society, the International Longbow Archers’ Association, and other, similar associations.

Esquiry/Equerry (Equestrian Expertise):


Mentored instruction in horsemanship and equestrian skills, including the proper care of horses, groomsmanship, stable construction and maintenance, knowledge of equine diseases and health, riding instruction, and elementary farriery.  Potentially, this may lead to competitive sport and showmanship in various equestrian activities (steeplechase, fox hunting, hacking, polo, &c.).

Rare Breeds Husbandry:


Mentored instruction in the management, uses, and preservation of rare animal breeds, with an emphasis on traditional farming methods, and including acquisition of associated skills (e.g., sheep-shearing, sheepdog training, dairying, working with oxen, poultry management, &c.).  Specializations in different animals will require a broad understanding of the proper care of that specialty, including health knowledge and a familiarity with the pathology and parasitology of each.




A future collaboration with the Ligonier Fencing Club and other specialty salles, to offer instruction in historical fencing and swordsmanship techniques. This will eventually provide opportunities to compete in local, regional, and national events.



Mentored instruction in the historical practice of beekeeping, including hive maintenance and health, hive construction, honey production, and the role of bees in agriculture.

Maple Sugaring:


Instruction in the process of harvesting and producing maple syrup using traditional techniques.