The Fellowship of Arts & Mysteries, Ltd., and its secondary school, Collegium Kingsgate, offer a unique educational approach which harmonizes Classical education with traditional apprenticed trades. This philosophy recognizes that, just as two rivers converge to form a mightier one, the merging of these two educational streams shaped the Judæo-Christian Western society in which we live. By reuniting the demonstrated strengths of Classical learning with hands-on trades, this philosophy provides a strong alternative to modern post-Christian educational models.
Take a few moments to become acquainted with the people who have embraced this vision and who are working to establish The Fellowship and Collegium Kingsgate.
At Kingsgate, scholars are equipped with a Biblical worldview and the cultural strengths of Classical Christian education, while simultaneously mastering trades through a master-apprentice model. This harmonization of Classical learning with practical trade skills aims to form socially-skillful, genuinely-Christian leaders for the future.
Through The Fellowship, we endeavour to make the Fine Arts, the Common Arts, and the Arts & Mysteries broadly accessible. Our current endeavors include shoemaking, leatherworking, eighteenth-century dancing, lectures, and more. The Fellowship aims to foster a love for Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, while also contributing to the local community through trade and craftsmanship.
David L. Peebles Professor of Business & W&M Board of Visitors Faculty Representative,
College of William & Mary
Advisory Board Member,
The Alan B. Miller Entrepreneurship Center
Pastor, Boger Reformed Church
Concord, NC
Trustee, Latin teacher ,
Trinity Springs
Christian Academy
Cameron, NC
Director of Admissions,
Reformed Presbyterian
Theological Seminary; Pittsburgh
Entrepreneur & Mentor
Adjunct Instructor,
Westmoreland Community College
Cordwainer & Dancing-Master
Classical Educator
Founder & Regent-Elect, Collegium Kingsgate
Guild Member, Cordwainers of York, England
© Copyright 2025 All Rights Reserved.
The Fellowship of Arts & Mysteries, Ltd.
P.O. Box 934
Ligonier, PA 15658