
The Fellowship of Arts & Mysteries, Ltd., and its secondary school, Collegium Kingsgate, offer a unique educational approach which harmonizes Classical education with traditional apprenticed trades. This philosophy recognizes that, just as two rivers converge to form a mightier one, the merging of these two educational streams shaped the Judæo-Christian Western society in which we live. By reuniting the demonstrated strengths of Classical learning with hands-on trades, this philosophy provides a strong alternative to modern post-Christian educational models.

Take a few moments to become acquainted with the people who have embraced this vision and who are working to establish The Fellowship and Collegium Kingsgate.

At Kingsgate, scholars are equipped with a Biblical worldview and the cultural strengths of Classical Christian education, while simultaneously mastering trades through a master-apprentice model. This harmonization of Classical learning with practical trade skills aims to form socially-skillful, genuinely-Christian leaders for the future.

Through The Fellowship, we endeavour to make the Fine Arts, the Common Arts, and the Arts & Mysteries broadly accessible. Our current endeavors include shoemaking, leatherworking, eighteenth-century dancing, lectures, and more. The Fellowship aims to foster a love for Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, while also contributing to the local community through trade and craftsmanship.

The Court of Aldermen

Picture of K. Scott Swan, Ph.D.

K. Scott Swan, Ph.D.


David L. Peebles Professor of Business & W&M Board of Visitors Faculty Representative,

College of William & Mary

Advisory Board Member,
The Alan B. Miller Entrepreneurship Center

Picture of Rev. Dr. John Taylor Brantley, C.Ed.D.

Rev. Dr. John Taylor Brantley, C.Ed.D.


Pastor, Boger Reformed Church
Concord, NC

Trustee, Latin teacher ,
Trinity Springs
Christian Academy
Cameron, NC

Picture of Brian Panichelle

Brian Panichelle


Director of Admissions,
Reformed Presbyterian
Theological Seminary; Pittsburgh

Entrepreneur & Mentor

Adjunct Instructor,
Westmoreland Community College

Picture of Brett R. Walker

Brett R. Walker


Cordwainer & Dancing-Master

Classical Educator

Founder & Regent-Elect, Collegium Kingsgate

Guild Member, Cordwainers of York, England